Spécialité de recherche : Audit interne et gouvernance d'entreprise
Thèse de doctorat :
Audit interne et gouvernance d'entreprise au Moyen-Orient
sous la direction de HADDADJ Slimane, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon
et de AZOURY Nehme, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik – USEK, Kaslik
Practical Experiences:
- Governance Council President of the Al-Muthana University.
- Owner of auditing office
- The Deputy Chief of the Accountants and Auditors Union in Al – Muthanna
Province . - Lecturer in the Al-Muthana University / College of Education.
- A lecturer in the Technical Institute in Samawa.
- A lecturer in the Open International University in Iraq.
- An accountant in some companies ( accounting manager ) in Muthana , from
2001 to 2006 . - As an accounting consultant in many directorates in Samawa city (city
council , province administration ) and other directorates . - Deputy of the Provincial Council with the Organization (PRT)
0 documents
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Spécialité de recherche : Audit interne et gouvernance d'entreprise
Thèse de doctorat :
Audit interne et gouvernance d'entreprise au Moyen-Orientsous la direction de HADDADJ Slimane, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon
et de AZOURY Nehme, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik - USEK, KaslikPractical Experiences:
- Governance Council President of the Al-Muthana University.
- Owner of auditing office
- The Deputy Chief of the Accountants and Auditors Union in Al – Muthanna
Province . - Lecturer in the Al-Muthana University / College of Education.
- A lecturer in the Technical Institute in Samawa.
- A lecturer in the Open International University in Iraq.
- An accountant in some companies ( accounting manager ) in Muthana , from
2001 to 2006 . - As an accounting consultant in many directorates in Samawa city (city
council , province administration ) and other directorates . - Deputy of the Provincial Council with the Organization (PRT)
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